Monday, March 3, 2014

Review Knack

Knack is one of the exclusive for the launch of PS4 titles. The game bet on a simple theme aimed at children and that can scare the most hardcore gamers in search of dot plots and refined gameplay. Check out:

The Order 1886: Video shows stunning graphics in the game for PS4

Lack of whim or something hastily produced ?

Throughout the reporting period the PS4 , Knack always been among the titles of postings . However, I never managed to stand on titles like Killzone and in Famous Shadowfall Second Son , for example. Perhaps the major problem has been the simplicity imposed by the game since the first trailers .

Video games have always been synonymous of fun , especially for children. However , since the launch of the current generation , it is possible to notice that more and more companies turn to produce titles for a more adult audience . This is evident in the number of titles released for the new generation of consoles : Xbox and PS4 One . More still , you need to think about the audience of all ages , including children .

However, even if this is the excuse for such simplicity of the game , it's hard to swallow , since so many games have the same purpose and can run with such perfection . Who gets the feeling it was a bad bet produced a hurry or without the same whim of blockbusters games .

Linearity and an unattractive gameplay

In the game you control a creature that grows as elements unite to your body. Therefore, you should join Luke to recover relics and prevent them from falling into the hands of the fearsome villain Victor. For this it is necessary to collect the artifacts and eliminate all creatures along the way.

A simple theme, the player is faced with very linear scenarios that eliminate any difficulties along the way. The enemies are also no impediment, besides being repetitive and uncreative. The game drive is too slow and unattractive, which removes even the most demanding players.

The only thing that really appeals is the way the super powers of the creature appear. Thus, you can use the key to create elemental skills ranging from more powerful attacks until shields that protect against enemy attacks.

Visual do not like

The attractive feature of the PlayStation 4 titles is undoubtedly the visual. However, Knack seems to escape this rule to display graphics that look more like the games of the current generation (PS3 and Xbox 360). Still, on newer titles, you can even say that the game is not a PS4 ahead with them before such lack of whimsy.

All this is evident in the first minutes of the game. The tutorial itself frightens the player with so poor detail scenarios and simple characters. While it is fun to grow your character accumulating elements, but still it is much more run in the visual part.

To complete the face of such simplicity, one would imagine that the game swirled at 60 frames per second. However, even this can make the game, which helps to make it even less interesting.


Knack can be considered one of the first disappointments on the PlayStation 4. With graphics that look like PS3 and a very limited gameplay, the game seeks a place in the sun through child audience. However, based on the best games in the genre, the exclusive title for the new console tends to be more of a forgotten game in a short period of time.

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