Monday, March 3, 2014

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry 4: Learn to free slaves in the new DLC

Assassin's Creed 4: Cry Freedom, the newest DLC franchise from Ubisoft, allows the player to control Adewale on his murderous cause. A unique novelty are your Side Quests in which the killer should free slaves. Check out the tutorial and learn how to help them.

Check out our Review of Assassin's Creed 4: Cry Freedom

First, first of all open the map <b> Assassin's Creed 4: Cry Freedom </ b>, which is equal to the Black Flag and locate a side quest (secondary mission) to free slaves.

Adopt the best strategy

For each of these types of missions you must adopt the best strategy at the moment. In the case of crops, try to be stealthy, because if a guard sees it, it will immediately sound the alarm. Try to hide the plantations and attract the attention of foremen with Whistle and use data from sleep if you need to escape. In the case of auctions, you can use fireworks to distract attention from auctioneers and save the slaves more easily.

Beware the Blunderbuss, it is a great weapon, but if fired in an inappropriate location, you not only kill the guards, but also slaves. Avoid using it in Auctions, chases and in some cases, crops, because the distance to the overseers of the slaves is lower in this case. The same goes for crazed darts, shoot a foreman case, the chance of him killing a slave is pretty big.

In cases of punishment, slaves are attached to the walls of houses to be flogged. Enjoy the roofs of houses to perform aerial assassinations foremen or use the sleep darts to shoot them down before they whipped slaves.

For missions wounded slave, do not forget to always follow the minimap to see that no guards carrying a slave. Use the boxes to hide and dispose the body of the slave in a safe place as plants, if you need to kill a foreman who is disrupting your way.

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