Sunday, February 23, 2014

WhatsApp is off the air for almost 4 hours due to problems on servers

The online messaging service WhatsApp fell on Saturday afternoon (22). The application began to show instability around 1530hrs, not being able to send or receive messages. The flaw was corrected only about four hours after beginning, around 19:30, and was caused by problems on servers, according to the company behind the app. In social networks, users worldwide have complained about the problem.

WhatsApp and Facebook: remove all doubts about buying

On his Twitter , WhatsApp confirmed the fall of service on the afternoon of Saturday. " Sorry . We are currently experiencing problems with our servers . Hopefully be back and recovered briefly ," the company said, after nearly two hours after the onset of instability.

The problem WhatsApp totally left out of the air , affecting all platforms where the service is offered . When sending a message , the user is faced with the constant clockwork , which meant that the text had not even been delivered to the app servers . It was also not possible to receive any message from the contacts.

The application was only partially normalized in the early evening on Saturday. Around 19:20 , the service began to send and receive messages again on some devices , while staying out of others. Shortly thereafter , the fault with the texts was apparently corrected for all . However , users still complaining that it was not possible to send or receive images, video or voice messages .

Falls and instability constants of service WhatsApp has been a constant target of criticism by the user. Earlier this month , a bug made ​​contacts profile pictures disappear . In December , the service was unavailable worldwide shortly after a crash that drove many users groups .

Fall becomes the target of mockery on social networks

On Twitter, the first complaints about the fall of WhatsApp began to appear around 15:30 this Saturday. Within minutes, it became one of the most talked about of the country, coming to occupy the Brazilian Trending Topics. Much users buy chaffed messaging application for Facebook.

The term reached first place with reference to purchase the app for the social network of Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook Messenger rival. The sale of the service was still remembered by the hashtag "# MarkWhatsApp", which tries to make the Facebook CEO cancel the deal.

Besides the fun of the internet , two rival WhatsApp won place among the most discussed subjects in Brazil . The WeChat Chinese, which has over 600 million users worldwide , and Viber , the famous messenger that makes free calls over the Internet , also gained space in the Trending Topics . Both the line as they are seen as alternatives to the main WhatsApp .

First failure after billion dollar purchase

The fall of WhatsApp Saturday comes just days after Facebook announced the purchase of the application for 16 billion dollars (about U.S. $ 38 billion ) . The value is higher than the $ 7.2 billion Microsoft paid for the purchase of Nokia and funds spent at the London Olympics in 2012 , which was $ 10.2 billion .

According to Facebook, WhatsApp will continue to work as a subsidiary company , ie , independent of the social network and form similar to Instagram . The messaging app has about 450 million users worldwide and was regarded as the main competitor of Mark Zuckerberg's social network among mobile devices that had not achieved much success with Facebook Messenger .

The movement , moreover , created a climate of uncertainty among users of the service and future plans on the Facebook application . Besides WhatsApp , the social network Facebook also owns Instagram , famous photo sharing app with filters , purchased in 2012 for one billion dollars .

Forum PG : see the suggestions of cheap smartphones that run Whatsapp !

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